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Strength Training: 12 Super Benefits for Your Health

Article ImageWhat if you could transform your health, strengthen your body, and feel more vibrant with just one type of exercise? Welcome to the world of strength training — a key component of fitness that goes beyond building muscle. Often overshadowed by its flashier counterpart, cardio, strength or resistance training is crucial not only for athletes but for anyone looking to improve their overall physical and mental wellbeing.

By engaging in this form of exercise, you’re not just shaping your body but also fortifying your health against aging and disease. Understanding what is strength training and incorporating it into your routine can drastically change your body composition, enhance your bone density, and boost your metabolic rate.

As we dive deeper into the benefits of strength training, you’ll discover the compelling reasons why this should be an integral part of your fitness journey. From increasing muscle strength and tone to improving bone health and enhancing cardiovascular health, the advantages are substantial. Strength training also plays a pivotal role in boosting your metabolism, contributing to weight management and energy levels.

Additionally, the functional strength you gain helps in making everyday tasks easier and prevents injuries, making it clear why resistance training should not be overlooked. Whether you’re a fitness professional guiding clients or someone looking to make significant strides in your personal health and fitness, the insights provided here will be invaluable.

Strength Training Increases Muscle Strength and Tone

Muscle Strength Gains

Strength training, also known as resistance training, fundamentally increases muscle strength by requiring your muscles to exert force against weight. This form of exercise is crucial for enhancing joint function, bone density, and the strength of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. By engaging in exercises that push your muscles to their maximum potential, often measured as maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), you significantly enhance your muscle strength. The typical guidelines suggest performing exercises that allow 1 to 6 repetitions per set (1-6 RM) in a controlled manner to focus on muscle strength.

Muscle Tone Improvements

Improving muscle tone involves more than just increasing muscle size; it’s about enhancing the firmness and stamina of your muscles. Contrary to popular belief, achieving a toned body doesn’t necessarily mean lifting lighter weights for more repetitions. It involves a variety of exercises that promote muscular endurance and strength. This might include using weights that are challenging enough to complete 12 to 20 repetitions per set, which helps in toning without necessarily increasing muscle size significantly. This approach is particularly beneficial for those who aim for a leaner look without the bulk.

Muscle Mass Increases

Resistance training is not only about enhancing strength and tone but also significantly increasing muscle mass. This increase is a direct result of muscle hypertrophy, where muscle protein synthesis exceeds breakdown, leading to a net positive protein balance. Such gains are crucial not just for athletes but for anyone interested in improving their physical health and metabolic rate. To maximize muscle hypertrophy, manipulating the intensity, volume, and frequency of resistance training is key. Recommendations often include performing 6 to 12 repetitions per set (6-12 RM) in a controlled manner to focus on muscle size.

By incorporating strength training into your routine, you’re not just working towards a stronger physique but also contributing significantly to your overall health and longevity.


Strength Training Improves Bone Health

Bone Density Increases

Engaging in strength training can lead to significant increases in bone density, a critical factor in overall bone health. This is primarily because exercise, especially high-intensity resistance training combined with impact activities, has been shown to enhance cortical thickness and bone mineral contents in key areas such as the femur neck. Moreover, studies indicate that even in older women, a 6-month resistance exercise intervention can significantly increase cortical bone density at major stress-bearing sites like the tibia and radius.

Osteoporosis Risk Reduction

Strength training is not only about building muscle; it plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of osteoporosis. By applying mechanical stress to the skeleton, strength training stimulates bone-forming cells, leading to stronger, denser bones. Regular exercise reduces the rate of bone loss and conserves bone tissue, effectively lowering the incidence of fractures. This preventive benefit is particularly important considering that osteoporosis is responsible for over two million fractures annually in the United States alone.

Bone Structure Improvements

The structural integrity of bones can be significantly enhanced through strength training. The process involves load-induced periosteal apposition which increases cortical thickness and reduces endocortical resorption, thereby increasing a bone’s resistance to bending. Additionally, diverse and dynamic loading patterns are necessary to stimulate an adaptive skeletal response, promoting improvements not only in bone density but also in its geometric strength. This adaptive response is crucial for maintaining bone health and functionality, especially as one ages.

By incorporating resistance training into your routine, you’re not only working towards stronger muscles but also significantly contributing to the health and resilience of your bones. This form of exercise proves essential for anyone aiming to enhance their overall physical health and longevity, making it a valuable component of a balanced fitness regimen.

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Strength Training Enhances Cardiovascular Health

Blood Pressure Reduction

Strength training can be a potent ally in managing and reducing high blood pressure. Regular engagement in moderate to vigorous strength exercises, such as lifting weights or bodyweight exercises, at least two times a week has been shown to effectively lower blood pressure. This reduction is particularly significant when the training is consistent over a period of at least eight weeks. For those with hypertension, it’s crucial to approach high-intensity exercises with caution to avoid sudden spikes in blood pressure.

Heart Disease Risk Decrease

Incorporating strength training into your routine not only aids in managing blood pressure but also lowers the risk of heart disease. Research indicates that resistance training can decrease the risk of mortality by about 15% and lower the risk of heart disease by 17% compared to those who do not engage in resistance training. Moreover, strength training improves blood vessel function and reduces traditional and nontraditional heart disease risk factors, such as blood sugar levels and lipid profiles.

Improved Blood Circulation

Strength training enhances blood flow to active muscles and can lead to a longer-lasting drop in blood pressure post-exercise. This improved circulation is crucial for delivering oxygen and nutrients to vital body areas, supporting overall cardiovascular health. Additionally, resistance exercise helps increase the reactivity of blood vessels, which is vital in preventing heart disease. Regular strength training, therefore, not only strengthens the muscles but also the heart and blood vessels, contributing to a healthier cardiovascular system.

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Strength Training Boosts Metabolism

Increased Resting Metabolic Rate

Strength training significantly impacts your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the amount of energy your body expends while at rest. Research shows that engaging in resistance training can increase RMR by approximately 5% on average. This increase is largely attributed to gains in fat-free mass, a major predictor of RMR. Notably, the effects of protein supplementation combined with resistance training have been studied, showing that they can further augment these gains, leading to an even higher metabolic rate.

Post-Exercise Calorie Burn

The benefits of strength training extend beyond the workout session itself. After intense exercise, your body’s metabolic rate doesn’t immediately return to normal. It remains elevated for a period, allowing you to burn additional calories even after you’ve finished exercising. This phenomenon, known as the after burn effect or scientifically, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), can significantly enhance calorie burn. Studies indicate that EPOC can remain high for up to 72 hours after strength training, emphasising the long-term benefits of this exercise form.

Weight Management Benefits

Incorporating strength training into your routine can be a powerful tool for weight management. By increasing muscle mass, you enhance your body’s ability to burn calories at rest. Muscles are metabolically active tissues, so the more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be. This means you’ll burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re not actively exercising. Additionally, the after burn effect helps to increase overall calorie expenditure, which can contribute to weight loss and prevent weight gain.

By focusing on strength training, you’re not only enhancing your muscle strength and appearance but also significantly boosting your metabolism, which is essential for better health and weight management.


Strength Training Improves Functional Strength

Everyday Task Performance

Strength training enhances your ability to perform daily activities with ease and efficiency. By integrating functional movements like lifting, pushing, and pulling into your routine, you build the muscle coordination needed for everyday tasks such as carrying groceries or climbing stairs. As you gain strength, activities that once seemed challenging become much simpler, improving your overall quality of life and independence.

Balance and Coordination

Incorporating strength training into your fitness regimen significantly improves your balance and coordination. This is particularly crucial as you age, helping to maintain your mobility and reducing the risk of falls. Exercises that strengthen the core, legs, and ankles are vital, as they enhance your stability and allow your body to make necessary micro-adjustments during movement, which is essential for preventing falls and maintaining posture. Additionally, strength training has been shown to lead to moderate to large improvements in balance ability, as evidenced by various balance tests in adults and older adults.

Injury Prevention

Strength training is a cornerstone of injury prevention. By strengthening muscles and tendons, you help protect your bones and joints from the impact and stress of daily activities. Resistance training helps correct muscular imbalances that can lead to injuries by ensuring that no muscle group is disproportionately stronger than its opposing group. This balanced strength across muscle groups not only reduces the risk of injuries but also contributes to a healthier, more resilient body. Moreover, integrating balance and coordination exercises into your strength training can effectively reduce the risk of common injuries, such as falls, strains, and sprains, by improving stability and control.

Strength Training: 12 Super Benefits for Your Health The Performance Hub


Through exploring the myriad benefits of strength training, it’s evident that this form of exercise offers far-reaching advantages for physical and mental health alike. By significantly enhancing muscle strength, bone density, and cardiovascular health, strength training establishes itself as a cornerstone of a well-rounded fitness regimen. Moreover, its role in boosting metabolism, managing weight, and enhancing functional strength underscores its importance in not only improving our quality of life but also in promoting longevity and well-being. These advantages, backed by scientific research, highlight why integrating strength training into our routine is essential for anyone looking to lead a healthier, more vibrant life.

Embracing strength training is not merely about enhancing physical appearance but about embarking on a journey towards a holistic, healthier lifestyle. The improvements in daily task performance, balance, coordination, and injury prevention further showcase its critical role in our overall fitness and health roadmap. Ready to experience the benefits of strength training for yourself? Schedule a call with a coach today. As we continue to navigate the complexities of maintaining optimal health in a busy world, strength training emerges as a powerful ally in our quest for longevity, resilience, and vitality.


1. How does strength training benefit your overall health?
Strength training significantly enhances life quality and the ability to perform daily activities. It safeguards joints from injury, improves balance, reduces fall risks, and helps maintain independence in later years.

2. What are some health benefits of strength training?
Strength training offers multiple health advantages including improved flexibility, an increased metabolic rate, and lowered blood pressure.

3. Why is strength training beneficial for seniors?
Strength training is crucial for seniors as it helps prevent osteoporosis and frailty by promoting muscle and bone growth. It also supports mental and emotional health by fostering a sense of physical strength.

4. What is the scientific explanation for the benefits of weight lifting?
Weight lifting initiates a hormonal response that includes the release of testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH). These hormones are essential for muscle repair and growth, with testosterone enhancing protein synthesis for muscle development and HGH aiding in tissue repair and regeneration.

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